Tuesday, 9 October 2007

'Embrace all that you are'

This one is about exposing different layers and parts of ourselves. It's kind of like the Russian doll idea. Each ball fits inside the one before and when it's all together you don't see what is contained.

It's (from largest to smallest), silver with sapphire beads, titanium, silver with red fluffy inside, gold, silver and enamel (like stained glass so the light shines through when you hold it up).

This one came about partly because it just appeared as these tend to do but also as a response to my life over the last few years. Peeling away the onion skin and exposing new bits. Maybe I should call it 'mid life crisis'!


Tom said...

Yes, but look how colourful it is all the way to the middle. It's beautiful.

julie said...

It's really delightful, Bee. What a lovely idea (and lovelier execution)!

Lee said...

They are gorgeous and so symbolic of how we all are a compilation of layers, each beautiful in a different way. Thank you.

Jonathan Wonham said...

Bee, what lovely things. You're very talented.

robinstarfish said...

Just stunning, Bee. Beauty inside and out.

Bee said...

Oh you all say such lovely things!

Lucy said...

Ooooh, Aaaah!
I don't think I've seen this one before.

herhimnbryn said...


Lee said...

I hope that your Christmas was/is a happy one (wherever you are!) and that 2008 brings you much joy and many adventures.


Jonathan Wonham said...

Bonne Année Bee.

Rosie said...

if only all mid life crises were so beautiful..sapphire beads and titanium seem such an exotic combination

kate said...

wow! what an incredible piece! just amazing :)