Tuesday, 28 August 2007

It's all his fault.

OH NO! I've just realised I am creating a 'how to build a small sailing dinghy step by step' guide. Um...oh well...can't stop now!

The edges of the first planks need to be planed at the correct angle to take the next planks. The boat is built up symmetrically. Can't really picture a wonky boat sailing too well. Here I am tidying up a plank before it goes on.

The planks are glued with epoxy and all the oozes of glue are cleaned up very well with a rag with meth...meth...um...meth...o.

Language translation required. "Metho" - its taken me ages to be able to say it but once I got it in my brain I am unable to revert back to my roots and say "methylated spirit". I am having a culture crisis. My UK roots are fighting with my adopted Aussie identity. 'Methylated Spirit' just seems so long and unnecessary but I can hear my sister laughing at me if I say 'metho'. Bloody Aussie shipwright, he's a bad influence.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Metho... hahahaha!