Friday, 5 October 2007

Hidden Treasure

This is what I do...I'm a jeweller.

This is 18ct white gold with diamonds and sapphires...and titanium. It's part of a series of 'Hidden Treasures' that I am making. It's a long term project and they will make up an exhibition when there are enough of them. I love making them and have to steal time between more mundane orders and repairs. I am making one with a dragon inside at the moment although I have been too busy to pick it up lately. Gotta remedy that...


julie said...

That's just gorgeous, Bee! I've never seen anything like it. Almost makes me wish I knew how to make jewelry.

annie said...

oh, brilliant, Bee. which parts are titanium?

I love beautiful works made with unusual metals. My wedding rings, for example, are made of steel. :]

Lee said...

Wow! Absolutely beautiful!

Lucy said...

They always seem to me the ultimate in luxury as jewellery, as unlike most jewellery worn entirely for display, much of their true beauty is within and only known to the owner and any they choose to reveal it to. This seems quite psychologically symbolic somehow.
I thought of them when someone described foxgloves as differing from real gloves because they are more beautiful on the inside than the outside, and I wondered how one could make a pair of gloves whose lining was prettier than the outer fabric. I still haven't worked out how, but sometime I will!

Bee said...

Aw, thanks everyone.

Julie, There are plenty of classes out there! It's fun.

Annie, the titanium part is the blue bit under the fish. Maybe you can't see it very well but the fish swims in a dish of blue. Lovely to have steel rings. I really like steel and gold together too.

Thanks Lee. x

Lucy, what a nice idea having gloves with an inner luxury. I have some fushia coloured sheets for my bed and put dark covers on so when you open the bed it explodes with vibrancy.

I think my work does say a lot about hidden secret parts of us. Actually, my next post will illustrate this...

herhimnbryn said...

This is truely very beautiful. I have dabbled with silver ( only a couple of yrs of evening classes). Your work is quite stunning.

I covet it!